When your company devises a new piece of IP, whether it is a new potentially patentable solution to a problem, novel design, unique trading name/style or original copyright-protected content, it is best to know the facts as early as possible before significant sums have been invested in development so that you can decide whether to pursue your current line of activity or rethink it. Besides, IP Big data can also be used to gain competitive intelligence in your industry.
This webinar examines how you can use the IP big data to:-
• determine whether your idea is novel, what protection might be available for it and whether your activities might infringe anyone else’s IP,
• identify new areas where your innovation efforts could be profitably focused and get a better idea of what your competitors are planning, and
• find new potential customers/suppliers or distributors for your products or services.
Date: 29 July 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: via Facebook Live
For more information, please WhatsApp or contact us at 6016-2855770
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